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Research on how diversity of forests affects our health and well-being
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The project & partners
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Publications of Dr.FOREST research
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Events and meetings
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7/2022: Dr.FOREST results: What kind of forests are best at mitigating heat stress during a heatwave?
6/2022: Tree diversity influences mushroom diversity but not mushroom productivity
5/2022: Diversity as a key feature for performance – in humans and forests
4/2022: Dr.FOREST: Where science meets political problems
2/2022: More tree species, more insect sounds – an expedition to a tropical forest plantation
12/2021: Harvesting medicinal plants and mushrooms
11/2021: Public health: What if doctors, vets, and ecologists worked together?
10/2021: Forest bathing experiences
09/2021: Dr.FOREST research timelier than ever
09/2021: September’s fieldwork: mental and thermal wellbeing
07/2021: One year of recording sounds in Dr. Forest plots
04/2021: Dr.FOREST update
03/2021: Four ways biodiversity influences our health
01/2021: Forests and human wellbeing – a multifaceted story
12/2020: Outreach activities in Austria: Dissemination and communication from a Public Health perspective
10/2020: Compiling fotos for an experiment on the effects of visual forest biodiversity on mental health and well-being.
09/2020: Catching pollen and washing leaves
09/2020: Setting up sensors to study how forest biodiversity affects human thermal comfort
08/2020: Surveying greenspace use during pandemic
08/2020: Capturing Summer Soundscapes in Dr. Forest Plots
07/2020: Inspiring colleagues: Deeper Thinking, 2020 Series Webinar on nature & human health in times of Covid-19
07/2020: Effects of Covid-19 on Dr. FOREST
6/2020: Health from a forest at a “Health Forest”
6/2020: Dr. FOREST – Diversity of Forests affecting human health and well-being
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