Future events (2023)
March 2023: Local Workshop: Oosterzele, BELGIUM

Registration to this event is free, but necessary: https://forms.office.com/e/R5Vpz43zKp
May 2023: Closing International Stakeholder Event: Meise, BELGIUM

Registration for this event is free but necessary: https://forms.office.com/e/jRxP0MbR0b
Past events
National Workshop GERMANY: Online 15th-16th June, 2021
The 2-day national stakeholder workshop was held online and included as participants representatives from the following fields:
·Black Forest National Park; Research Field on Recreation and Health
·Thuenen Institute for International Forestry & Forest Economics
·Forestry office manager Curative and Healing Forest Heringsdorf
·First chairman of the board of trustees Sport&Nature
·Certified Trainee in Forest Medicine and Forest Therapy Guide, Assistant to Chair of Public Health and health resorts and the research group in health care research on health resorts, medical climatology at the University of Munich.
·Law Department, Ministry for Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Wuerttemberg
·Landesforst Mecklenburg-Vorpommern-Institution under Public Law Department of Forest Planning and Public Forest Functions
·President of the Spas Association Baden-Württemberg
·Forester and forest educator; Leader of a forest educational working group on the topic of forest and health Baden-Württemberg
·Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture; National Forest Policy, Hunting, Competence Centre Forest and Wood
·Ministry for Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Wuerttemberg
·Trainee in Forest Therapy, Researcher and Lecturer, Institute of Chinese Studies Freiburg
·Department of Societal Change, Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg (FVA Baden-Württemberg)
The agenda for the workshop was as follows.

The workshop recordings can be viewed in full here:
First national stakeholder workshop (recording 1/4) https://youtu.be/RbCB7vpbYXA
First national stakeholder workshop (recording 2/4) https://youtu.be/U_oPneE0ahY
First national stakeholder workshop (recording 3/4) https://youtu.be/BKnIoM4Auc8
First national stakeholder workshop (recording 4/4) https://youtu.be/a8mcMnEuW5A
Place and time to be confirmed
Place and time to be confirmed