This spring the pandemic has driven the majority of people in the world to some degree of lockdown. Several research groups around the world seized the opportunity to dig into the effects of a prolonged “house arrest” on our health, and the coping mechanisms that people employ to make it through these unprecedented conditions. More specifically, a number of research groups have dug into the role that nature and green spaces play in our coping.
Here are some of those surveys listed. If you know of any other ones not listed here, you are welcome to add them in the comments.
Germany: Derks, J., Giessen, L., & Winkel, G. (2020). COVID-19-induced visitor boom reveals the importance of forests as critical infrastructure. Forest Policy and Economics, 118, 102253.
Belgium: Corona Study. University of Antwerp (Ongoing):
UK: People and Nature Survey: How are we connecting with nature during the coronavirus pandemic? Natural England (ongoing)
International: The value of public green spaces in times of Covid-19. ESP: Ecosystem Services Partnership (ongoing)
International: GREEN SPACES & URBAN FORESTS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, Clearinghouse project (closed, initial results)
Germany: DER WALD IST SYSTEMRELEVANT” – DIE BEDEUTUNG DES WALDES WÄHREND DER CORONA-PANDEMIE. Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA) nach, (closed, initial results).
Switzerland: Der Corona-Lockdown veränderte die Waldbesuche der Schweizer Bevölkerung.Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL (closed, initial results).
Germany: DER WALD RUFT LAUTER SEIT CORONA. Technical University Munich (closed for analysis).
Finland: Luontosuhdebarometri (closed, analysis completed).